Max Morning
The sample pack is a single pyramid. 2,5 g tea ready to be brewed. If you are a B2B customer, head over to our wholesale assortment and contact our customer support for puchase!
Max Morning is an early riser, the kind of fellow who’s up before the sun, ready to seize the day with both hands. Born and bred in a quaint seaside village in England, Max’s days start at 5:30 a.m. sharp.
He believes in hard work, fresh air, and the perfect cup of tea to kick things off. As the mist rolls in from the sea, Max sets out on his morning walk with his loyal dog, Lord Bellington, a spirited terrier who never tires of chasing the gulls. Max greets every fisherman and baker he meets with a cheerful “Good morning!”
His love for the classic English Breakfast tea is as deep-rooted as his sense of duty; it’s robust, full-bodied, and malty—just like him. Max brews his tea strong, savouring the rich flavour as he prepares to tackle the day. Whether he’s repairing an old wooden boat or tending to his small vegetable garden, Max Morning is always ready to face whatever comes his way, with Lord Bellington by his side and a smile on his face.
EN Ingredients: Organic Black Tea
SE Ingredienser: Ekologiskt Svart te
NO Ingredienser: Økologisk svart te
DK Ingredienser: Økologisk sort te
FI Ainesosat: BIO Musta tee
DE Zutaten: Bio-Schwarztee
FR Ingrédients: Thé noir biologique
Välkommen till Dear Tea Society, där den excentriska, den märkliga, den absurda, den törstiga, den trötta, den rastlösa, den vackra, den kreativa, den knasiga,den listiga, den artiga, den nyfikna och perfektionisten alla förenas i kärleken till te.Vi älskar alla typer av teer och infusioner. Vi delar gärna på en kanna men njuter ofta av en kopp för oss själva. Vi behöver te för att kunna tänka, drömma, förlåta och glömma. Kort sagt, vi älskar te, det är vilka vi är.